Compete in the cloud era with the most innovative and secure technologies from world-leading vendors, integrated by Dekash Tec to meet your goals.
Cloud computing is the platform of choice for many of today’s biggest IT and business innovations. The cloud can enable you to exploit big data from many different sources, to deliver services to your staff and customers anywhere, to reduce IT costs and complexity by using trusted public cloud platforms, and much more. Many global organizations are already exploiting the cloud. As your IT partner, Dekash Tec can guide you into this new era and help you find a competitive edge. Our goal is provide you with the best value and deliver long-term success.
The cloud offers an enormous choice of public computing and data services, as well as infrastructure technologies you can use to run your own private cloud. While public cloud services such as IBM® Bluemix® offer simplicity and cost savings, many businesses also choose to run a private cloud where they can be responsible for data security. The right mix is often a hybrid cloud, which is a combination of cost-effective public services and a secure private cloud for sensitive data. Dekash Tec offers the cloud expertise to understand your priorities and build the optimal solution for your business.
Security and data compliance are important issues for your organization’s cloud computing strategy. The cost of the average data breach is estimated at $3.62 million,1 making your choice of cloud providers an important one. You must also be compliant with regional data regulations, which set rules for where you can store and process customer data. Dekash Tec has the knowledge and experience to help you avoid costly errors. We are also partnered IBM, a global leader in cloud computing and IT security.